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Here at Farecompare we want you to have the knowledge and tools to travel more, for less. When you know how airlines set their prices, when and where to travel at the best times, and when to book, you’ll be able to save and buy with confidence, knowing you’re getting the best deal possible.
How to Save Money on Flights
This is what we get asked all the time and why we’re here. The resources below will turn you into a money saving machine in no time.
- How Airlines Set Their Prices
- When to Book Your Flight
- What are the Cheapest Days to Fly
- Best Day to Book
- Cheapest Times of Day to Fly
Not sure where to go? That’s great because the more flexible you are with your travel the cheaper it can be. You can use our Getaway Map to compare the prices to destinations around the world. Whether you're planning a family summer vacation or knocking another country off your bucket list, this is a great way to see prices to many destinations at once. If you need a little help, here is a quick article explaining how to get the most out of the getaway map.
More Tools for Your Toolbox
- Standby Flights – Are they cheaper and can they still be found
- Student Fares – How to fly cheaper as a student
- Frequent Flyer Programs – How they work and are they worth it
- One Way vs Round Trip – Is there any difference in price?
- Travel Dead Zones – What they are and how they work
- Economy Flights – The budget side of life
- Non-stop Vs Multiple Stops
Travel Advice
Doesn't matter if you are a first timer or just have a quick question, the below resources will help you become a travel pro in no time.
First Time Flying, What to Expect
We’ve all been there. Your first time flying can be a great experience but there can also be some anxiety involved. Let’s put those fears to rest by going over some of the basics, so you know what to expect and can enjoy your travel time.
- Getting to the Airport, How Early, Parking
- Getting through security – Getting through quickly and without issues. If you really hate lines you can also look into getting precheck.
- How Early Do I Need to Get to the Airport – Having enough time so you're not stressed but you're not sitting around either
- What to carry on – What to bring so you have just enough to enjoy your trip
- Food & Drinks on the flight and at the airport How to find decent food that doesn't cost a fortune
Travel Issues & Emergencies
We hope you never have to deal with any of these but s*$% happens, which is why we think it’s better to be prepared.
- Flight Delays and Cancellations
- Oh Noes! Lost or Stolen Passport or Wallet
- Airport Security – What to expect and how to deal with it
Packing Like A Pro
Miscellaneous & Other Helpful Topics
Can't think of a category for some of these but still good advice.
- Traveling with Pets – How to travel with your furry, feathered or scaled friends
You can also find lots more information in our blog dedicated to travel advice. Have a question about travel or want to share your own tips? You can contact us or leave a message on our Facebook page.