Sichuan (3U) Cheapest Flight Deals

Top Airline Competitors for Sichuan Airlines

Total Departures/ArrivalsOverlapping Departures/Arrivals
Sichuan Airlines - 3U1894--
China Eastern Airlines - MU443031780
China Southern Airlines - CZ602561677
Air China - CA552831577
Shenzhen Airlines - ZH1098757
Xiamen Airlines - MF311201256

Sichuan Airlines Baggage Fees

With airline service fees and baggage fees continuing to rise, cost-conscious consumers may want to check for updated fees before making a travel decision. Current bag fees for Sichuan Airlines are listed below. If you need more info, your carrier's web site should have more detailed information. Additionally, all airlines traveling from, to, or within the United States are required to specify all baggage and special item charges at the time of passenger fare quote.


Checked Bag

  • First Bag:N/A
  • Second Bag:N/A


Checked Bag

  • First Bag:Free
  • Second Bag:Free

See more information on rules, guidance, and enforcement orders for baggage issues at the U.S. Dept. of Transportation's Baggage Fee Disclosure Rules page.

Sichuan Flights - Cheap Flights & Best Deals | FareCompare