Flights from Atlanta to Burbank, United States

Did you mean flights from Burbank to Atlanta?

Atlanta to Burbank Last modified: Jan 27, 2025 4:51 -05:00

We've scanned 119,262,985 round trip itineraries and found the cheapest flights to Burbank. Spirit & Alaska frequently offer the best deals to Burbank flights, or select your preferred carrier below to see the cheapest days to fly.

Tue 3/4
1 stop
Fri 3/7
1 stop
Tue 4/29
1 stop
Sat 5/10
1 stop
Wed 2/19
1 stop
Tue 2/25
1 stop
Thu 3/13
1 stop
Wed 3/19
1 stop
Major Airlines
Mon 2/24
1 stop
Wed 3/5
1 stop
Multiple Airlines
Mon 2/24
1 stop
Mon 3/3
1 stop

How Much is a Flight from Atlanta to Burbank?

We have collected flight cost data from across the web for travel from Atlanta to Burbank, and have found the average flight price for this trip to be $202.

Where To Buy Cheap Flights from Atlanta to Burbank?

The best way to find a great deal on airfare is to search multiple sites. When you run a search on FareCompare, we search multiple sites and fare sources all at once so you don't have to - which is why we think FareCompare is the best place to find cheap tickets. Airlines can adjust prices for tickets from Atlanta to Burbank based on the day and time that you decide to book your flight. We have collected data from all airlines, and have found that Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays are often the best days to book flights. If you'd like to learn more, read our article about the best time to buy airline tickets.

How far in advance should I book tickets from Atlanta to Burbank?

The chart below shows up-to-date information regarding how far in advance to book your flight from Atlanta to Burbank.

Cheapest Day To Fly from Atlanta to Burbank

We've examined 238,525,970 itinerary searches that we've seen for departures in the next 90 days and found that the cheapest day to fly from Atlanta to Burbank is Monday. See the chart below to compare prices for other days of the week.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
$174$191$210$210$206 $216

Compare Flight Prices from Atlanta to Burbank by Month

Sorry... we weren't able to find enough data for this market to reliably compare prices over the coming months. Run an airfare search now to update and compare prices. Find Flights

Cheap Last Minute Flights from Atlanta to Burbank

Well that's unexpected... we weren't able to find enough weekend deals to make a good comparison. Run an airfare search now to update and compare prices. Find Flights

Connecting Flights vs Direct Flights from Atlanta to Burbank

Flights between some cities may be significantly cheaper if you choose a multi-stop airline ticket. Although these connecting flights sacrifice some convenience, on average, travelers save 20%-60% when they choose to fly multi-stop versus a direct flight.

The average price for connecting flights from Atlanta to Burbank is $315.

The average price for direct flights from Atlanta to Burbank is $561.

The chart below shows up to date information regarding non-stop flights from Atlanta to Burbank.

Weekly Direct Flights from Atlanta to Burbank - By Carrier
CarrierMonTueWedThuFriSatSunEarliest FlightLatest Flight
Major Airlines 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 03:56 14:04

One Way Flights vs Round Trip Flights from Atlanta to Burbank

We have found that there is often no price difference between buying a round trip flight versus a one way flight. Increased flexibility is the main benefit when it comes to buying a one way flight from Atlanta to Burbank. However, booking a round trip flight can be a simpler process. You can compare round trip and one way flights by using our flight comparison.

The average price for one way flights from Atlanta to Burbank is $170.

The average price for round trip flights from Atlanta to Burbank is $315.

Atlanta to Burbank Flight Questions

Below are some common questions that asked about this flight route:

Question: How long is the flight from Atlanta to Burbank?
Answer: The average Atlanta to Burbank flight time is 4 hours and 42 minutes.
Question: How far is Burbank from Atlanta?
Answer: The distance from Atlanta to Burbank is 1,935 miles (3,114 kilometers).
Question: How common are direct flights from Atlanta to Burbank?
Answer: There are 13 direct flights from Atlanta to Burbank.
Question: What are the most popular Atlanta airlines for direct flights from Atlanta to Burbank?
Answer: Major Airlines provides 100% of the non-stop flights between Atlanta and Burbank.

Farecompare Research Tools

FareCompare's Flight Schedule Search Tool helps you find information about airline schedule filings, including flight numbers, depart times, and travel distance.

Cheap Flights from Atlanta to Burbank